General Information
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End Date:
EDF: New materials and technologies for additive manufacturing defence applications
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The Objective
Robust and Light AM components for military systems (ROLIAC – EDF project) addresses the topic of “New materials and technologies for additive manufactured defence applications”. with a focus on subtopic D “Additive Manufacturing for Lightweight Structural Parts”. The ROLIAC consortium is a strong and experienced partnership consisted by a wide range of partners from many EU countries and with a strong support from several Ministries of Defence (MODs). The ROLIAC consortium has an excellent technical base within AM and materials science, as well as military grade manufacturing. ROLIAC will enable design and manufacture of lightweight military grade parts with novel materials and take full advantage of the key benefits offered by AM for the EU defence sector.
OHB Contributions
OHB Hellas is responsible for identifying the needs and requirements for on-site additive manufacturing for military applications and for conducting a feasibility analysis on how metallized polymers can replace fully metallic parts.
Customer and Partners